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Torrey Pines golf course, California, USA. 2005.
2005_08_20_CA_HorseCanyon_a_ValleyFromNorth.JPG 2005_08_20_CA_HorseCanyon_a_ValleyFromNorth.JPG 2004_10_23_MX_LaSalina_High_ViewNorth.JPG 2004_10_23_MX_LaSalina_High_ViewNorth.JPG 2005_04_24_CA_TorreyPines_MarkKranz_GolfCourse.jpg 2005_04_24_CA_TorreyPines_MarkKranz_GolfCourse.jpg 2005_05_21_CA_Marshall_Looking_East.JPG 2005_05_21_CA_Marshall_Looking_East.JPG 2005_07_03_UT_Hurricane_f_GooseberryMesa.JPG 2005_07_03_UT_Hurricane_f_GooseberryMesa.JPG
File information
Album name:Jerome Daoust / Best of...
Rating (6 votes): (Details)
File Size:549 KB
Date added:Mar 28, 2006
Dimensions:2048 x 1536 pixels
Displayed:4162 times
Favorites:Add to Favorites
amitked  [Jun 12, 2006 at 08:25 PM]
great pic = beutifull green
Jerome Daoust  [Jun 15, 2006 at 02:03 AM]
Yes, that nice luscious green was because it had been raining just 45 minutes before. Then the clouds parted, the sun came through and we set out to fly.