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Topping off the lift at Mt Bachelor
Topping off the lift at Mt Bachelor (Oregon, USA) with Troy Weigand before going XC.
Ahead are the "3 Sisters" peaks and "Broken Top".
7up.jpg 7up.jpg 2006_08_06_BC_Golden_Mt7_JeffEggers~0.jpg 2006_08_06_BC_Golden_Mt7_JeffEggers~0.jpg 2006_08_11_OR_Bachelor_3Sisters_BrokenTop_TroyWeigand_b.jpg 2006_08_11_OR_Bachelor_3Sisters_BrokenTop_TroyWeigand_b.jpg 2003_08_30_CA_Dunlap_3_PilotsOverLaunch.JPG 2003_08_30_CA_Dunlap_3_PilotsOverLaunch.JPG 2003_06_15_NV_Slide_2_Thermalling_WillNeelands_NovaArtax.JPG 2003_06_15_NV_Slide_2_Thermalling_WillNeelands_NovaArtax.JPG
File information
Album name:Jerome Daoust / Best of...
Rating (2 votes): (Details)
File Size:921 KB
Date added:Aug 21, 2006
Dimensions:2250 x 1448 pixels
Displayed:3025 times
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