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Near Sulaymaniyah, Northern Iraq250 viewszuppi

CTR Overview on a Flytec 6030315 viewsShows the three closest CTRs with the detailszuppi

Tamdem with child223 viewszuppi

Cyril training for the Tandem Licence241 viewsCyril is doing the first flight (as passenger) to become a tandem pilot. Laura (Funventures) attaching the rope for the tow. Picture taken at Dunnottar, South Africa on 23. Jan 2010.zuppi

Termalling - wind direction227 viewszuppi

Near Sulaymaniyah, Northern Iraq230 viewszuppi

Taking off with a child245 viewszuppi

Near Sulaymaniyah, Northern Iraq210 viewszuppi
Last additions - zuppi's Gallery |

Near Sulaymaniyah, Northern Iraq250 viewszuppiOct 12, 2011

Near Sulaymaniyah, Northern Iraq230 viewszuppiOct 12, 2011

Near Sulaymaniyah, Northern Iraq210 viewszuppiOct 12, 2011

Tamdem with child223 viewszuppiJul 01, 2011

Taking off with a child245 viewszuppiJul 01, 2011

Termalling - wind direction227 viewszuppiMar 31, 2011

CTR Overview on a Flytec 6030315 viewsShows the three closest CTRs with the detailszuppiApr 14, 2010

Cyril training for the Tandem Licence241 viewsCyril is doing the first flight (as passenger) to become a tandem pilot. Laura (Funventures) attaching the rope for the tow. Picture taken at Dunnottar, South Africa on 23. Jan 2010.zuppiFeb 11, 2010