Random files - Jose9878's Gallery |

Crystel's first PG flight649 viewsCyrstel's first paraglider flight, PPA sytle.Jose9878

Loren at the Church706 viewsFlying from the church at Pacifica. Fall 2008.Jose9878

JJ at the Church323 viewsFlying from the church at Pacifica. Fall 2008.Jose9878

Diamond610 viewsDonnie's first paraglider flight...he's the top blue/red Apco.Jose9878

Sunset on the Coast396 viewsWinter flying.Jose9878
Last additions - Jose9878's Gallery |

Sunset on the Coast396 viewsWinter flying.Jose9878Dec 07, 2009

Dingo / Jimmy Dock298 viewsJose9878Nov 04, 2009

stack786 viewsStacked in formation.Jose9878Oct 28, 2009

Diamond610 viewsDonnie's first paraglider flight...he's the top blue/red Apco.Jose9878Oct 28, 2009

Coast256 viewsPacifica, Ca.Jose9878Oct 28, 2009